Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 5: Down to the Knees

So this week we got down to actually adding in the knees to our pelvis's and ribcages. It was an interesting experience, and the body definitely seems like its starting to take form. I definitely felt like there's some progress, although at the same time, I kind of am starting to find life drawing a bit more difficult.

I feel like I need to read/research more about the anatomy of the body, and look at more reference guides. I've found that the best way I learn is when someone SHOWS me exactly how to draw. Every time my professor has drawn for me or shown me how to draw something, Its definitely made more sense for me.

I guess the big problem in my class is the huge difference in levels and approaches. It is kind of annoying that people do whatever they feel like. We are definitely instructed NOT to shade, or use shadows or outlines e.t.c and yet I see people doing it left and right. I guess if you're good enough, anything flies? XD

I am personally not that good, so I'm going to keep trying to draw the way we've been instructed. I find that the way we're taught to draw actually does help quite a bit. An example of such:

I personally can definitely see some progress. I definitely enjoy drawing in this class. What I'm not such a huge fan of, is the manakin (as you've probably heard me say time and time again). Its just difficult for me to a good job with it. I'm not a craft person, and if there's one thing that I horribly suck at, its crafting things and putting  things together. I won't go with the cliche statement of "its not in my genes", because I doubt anything is really in our genes. 

But I severely, severely dislike craft stuff. Its probably a byproduct of being brought up in the current age, where most of the stuff people did by hand, can be done much more quickly and more accurately by machines. Why cut thing things when you can just print them? Why sculpt with clay when you can do a better job with 3D Modelling? Its not that one thing is superior to the other.

I hardly believe that machines can replace human work or effort, but I simply find it easier to use machines. I'm better at doing things digitally, where there's a better margin for error and there's more tools to make sure you don't make mistakes.

Aaaaand boy did I go off on a tangent there XD. It is sort of related to the class though, so I think I am allowed to get away with it. Next week we'll have the big Reflection post for the semester. I'm sure you can't wait for that. ;)

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